One of the more famous zombies from Dawn of the Dead, the hare krishna showed the distinctive blue-green tint typical of the undead in the film.[/caption] Well, pink was already taken by products being marketed for women. Actually, I place a lot of the blame for this zombie = green phenomenon on George Romero and Tom Savini, the director and make-up artist for the original “Dawn of the Dead” movie. Unlike his original black and white “Night of the Living Dead,” Romero was able to produce Dawn in color. Zombies in the film had a distinctive blue-green hue to them. Of course, Frankenstein's monster (a zombie of sorts) is also often depicted as having green skin. While zombie marketing tends to go with the more visible day-glow green hues, there actually is some science to behind coloring zombies green. Although the actual color of a zombie would vary depending on the original human's skin tone and the stage of decomposition. As the body breaks down, its visible color is actually in a state of flux. Initially, the body will appear ashen and gray. Then, as the blood cells begin to burst, they release hemoglobin into the surrounding tissue. This stains the tissue with a red or reddish-brown hue. As the body decomposes further, chemical changes take place that produce skin colors including greenish-yellow, greenish-blue or greenish-black.