Do zombies freeze?

Q. I've noticed that they never have any zombie movies or games that take place during the winter. Why is that?This scene from the movie "Dead Snow" shows a group of Nazi zombies able to move in the snow of Norway.

This scene from the movie "Dead Snow" shows a group of Nazi zombies able to move in the snow of Norway.[/caption] A. Actually, the movie Dead Snow takes place during "spring break" but is set in Norway, so it might as well have been in winter. Of course, there is some debate as to whether the creatures in that film are actually zombies, since they have retained their human intelligence after returning from the dead. Given this exception (and a scant few others) it is true that most zombie movies are not set in the winter. Most of George Romero's classic films (Night of the Living Dead) are set in May, hence May's designation as Zombie Awareness Month. This is because it is generally theorized that zombies, given their high moisture content and lack biological function, would freeze solid. This was the case in the Max Brooks novel "World War Z" where humans were able to use the winter months to regroup and recover while the zombies were frozen. If the WWZ model holds true, the relief is only temporary. In that scenario, zombies would become active again when the temperatures warmed above freezing.

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