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Wilderness Survival -

Now that the weather is getting warmer, you're probably itching to get out your camping gear and head out into nature. Spring is the perfect time to sleep under the stars -- months before the sweltering weather and overwhelming crowds. However, Spring also offers some unpredictable weather so you'll need to be prepared. We've put together this camping equipment checklist to help you get ready for anything Mother Nature throws at you this Spring. In addition to the essentials, you'll want: 1. Air Mattress- The ground may still be cold or frozen in the Spring, so you'll want something warmer...

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Camping, Wilderness Survival -

If you are a camper who enjoys spending some time in the wilderness, you have to make sure you have all the best camping supplies. Of course, there's the essential camping equipment—the tent, sleeping bag, food, water, clothing, daypacks, etc. Many campers and hikers swear by other camping gadgets to get them through a weekend trip or extended trek. We have compiled a list of some of our favorite useful camping equipment. Top 5 Camping Gadget Essentials 1. A Multi-Tool: You never know what you may encounter in the great outdoors, so it's important to have a handy multi-tool for hacking, prying, pulling...

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Wilderness Survival -

Even pristine looking waterways in remote areas can harbor contaminants.Even if you haven't been there, you've probably seen pictures of isolated mountain streams and lakes that look untouched by the hand of man. What could possibly be dangerous about drinking water so obviously free of pollution? Actually, quite a lot. Man-made contaminants are certainly a concern and are the main reason that untreated water is not safe to drink in urban survival scenarios. However, natural contaminants do exist and could make drinking water that appears to be clean a fatal mistake. The biggest (smallest?) offenders are protozoa. If you had...

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Wilderness Survival -

Enjoying the great outdoors is a wonderful way to spend a day (or even a week), but if you're not careful there are a number of ways you could be hurt. However, the most common wilderness injury is also one of the most common for any physical activity. [caption id="attachment_870" align="alignright" width="300"] Ankle sprains are the most common injury experienced by people in the wilderness.[/caption] Despite all the dangers of poisonous plants and animals, predatory animals and weather, the most common injury you are likely to sustain is a sprain. Ankle sprains are the most frequent, but injuries to wrists...

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Wilderness Survival -

The amount of water you need to store is directly proportional to the length of time you want to live. After air to breathe, water should be the main concern of for your survival. Remember the rule of three: you can go about 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. But simply understanding that water is important is only the first step. The key is to have enough water on hand to survive. At a bare minimum, you will need one gallon of water per person per day. This amount is for consumption purposes...

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