Zombies RSS

As a prepper I find it a bit odd when someone is looking forward to an apocalypse. I've got a lot of great things going on in my life and I'm not ready to give them all up just yet. I, for one, would like to see the second half of season 3 of The Walking Dead, for example. My personal feelings aside, there are those people who feel let down when a predicted apocalypse fails to materialize. It's actually been happening for thousands of years. St. Peter, first Pope of the Catholic Church, was a doomsday prepper of sorts,...

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Unlike the voodoo zombies of the film "Dead Snow," zombies created by a biological agent would likely be rendered immobile from exposure to cold weather.[/caption] As I answer this question I'm looking out my office window on a blanket of freshly-fallen snow covering everything as far as I can see. I'm toasty inside, but I know that it's a whole different situation on the other side of the glass. Human being are endothermic, or warm blooded. Our bodies generate their own heat allow us to survive in temperatures where cold-blooded creatures cannot. Still, if the body gets too cold a...

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One of the more famous zombies from Dawn of the Dead, the hare krishna showed the distinctive blue-green tint typical of the undead in the film.[/caption] Well, pink was already taken by products being marketed for women. Actually, I place a lot of the blame for this zombie = green phenomenon on George Romero and Tom Savini, the director and make-up artist for the original “Dawn of the Dead” movie. Unlike his original black and white “Night of the Living Dead,” Romero was able to produce Dawn in color. Zombies in the film had a distinctive blue-green hue to them....

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Unless the agent causing the zombification also causes significant changes to the person's body, then no a zombie will not have super strength. The idea of super-zombies comes to pop culture mostly from the Resident Evil franchise and it should be noted that those creatures are the product of a mega-corporation's evil experimentation. Assuming that the zombification is caused by something along the lines of a prion, virus or parasite then the zombie wouldn't have any more strength than the infected human had in the first place. It is generally theorized that the pain receptors in a zombie brain will...

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Zombies -

This is a question that gets asked more often than I think it needs to because on its face it appears to be more a matter of opinion than it really is. The short and simple answer is beans, or food stocks, are the most important and are second only to water in importance for survival. Without food, you will die in a matter of weeks. And before you finally die, slowly and painfully, you'll be weakened and unable to do much of anything. It's not a pleasant way to go. Even if you're not expecting the end of the...

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